Shockwave Therapy Indications
This is the current known indications list for Shockwave therapy issued by The International Society for Medical Shockwave Treatment. Additionally there are beauty therapy/aesthetic uses for skin conditions and scar tissue healing.
Approved standard indications
- Chronic Tendinopathies
- Calcifying tendinopathy of the shoulder
- Lateral epicondylopathy of the elbow (tennis elbow)
- Greater trochanter pain syndrome
- Patellar tendinopathy
- Achilles tendinopathies.
- Plantar fasciitis, with or without heel spur1.2.
- Bone Pathologies
- Delayed bone healing
- Bone Non-Union (pseudarthroses) Stress fracture
- Avascular bone necrosis without articular derangement
- Osteochondritis Dissecans (OCD) without articular derangement
- Skin Pathologies
- Delayed or non-healing wounds
- Skin ulcers
- Non-circumferential burn wounds
- Cellulite
Empirically-tested clinical uses
- Tendinopathies
- Rotator cuff tendinopathy without calcification
- Medial epicondylopathy of the elbow
- Adductor tendinopathy syndrome
- Pes-Anserinus tendinopathy syndrome
- Peroneal tendinopathy
- Foot and ankle tendinopathies
- Trigger Finger
- Bone Pathologies
- Bone marrow edema
- Osgood Schlatter disease: Apophysitis of the anterior tibial tubercle
- Tibial stress syndrome (shin splint)
- Knee Osteoarthritis
- Muscle Pathologies
- Myofascial Syndrome
- Muscle sprain without discontinuity
- Neurological Pathologies
- Spasticity
- Polyneuropathy
- Carpal tunnel syndrome